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Fine Italian Coffee SINCE 1927
Coffee with Dense & Persistent Creaminess, Full Body & Fragrant Aroma.
Available as Coffee Beans, Ground Coffee, Nespresso® & Dolce Gusto® compatible capsules.
A compact and versatile espresso capsule machine with different holders for ground coffee, Nespresso® and Dolce Gusto® capsules.
Introductory Special! FREE Sampler Pack of Caffè Carraro Nespresso® compatible capsules, Caffè Carraro Dolce Gusto® compatible capsules, and 100g Caffè Carraro filter coffee - Gold Blend (while supplies last)!
The Story began in the
Gaetano Carraro, in his small store in Schio (VI), started selling green coffee beans for roasting in domestic fireplaces.
Mario, his son, created the first roasting lab, where the green coffee was roasted and packed.
Mario founded the first workshop for roasting and packaging coffee on an industrial scale.
Caffè Carraro moved to a new factory in SS. Trinità, roasting and blending 120 tonnes of coffee yearly.
Since its humble beginning, Caffè Carraro has roasted and blended more than 76 million tonnes of great coffee.
Today this exceptional Carraro sensation is available not only to the Italian connoisseurs, but also to international coffee lovers worldwide.
My Carraro
1927 Espresso Specialty Blend
Full Body, Compact Creaminess, Intensely Aromatic, Persistent, Chocolaty Aftertaste. Low Caffeine. Epitomizes the blend of 90 years' Caffe Carraro skill and experience in the art of Italian Espresso Coffee.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy 1927 Espresso Specialty Blend now
My Carraro
Globo Marrone Blend
Strong Roasted, Intense Aroma. Blend of the best natural and washed coffee qualities produced on three continents, selected batch by batch.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Globo Marrone Blend now
My Carraro
Single Origin Guatemala Nespresso®
Sweet & Chocolaty Body, Fine & Floral Acidity. Most acclaimed coffees, grown in the Antigua district at 1600 to 2000 metres above sea level by small scale producers still using traditional methods of coffee berries processing.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Guatemala Nespresso® now
My Carraro
Primo Mattino Dolce Gusto®
Deep & Harmonious. Blend of a larger proportion of Robusta beans and refined with a selection of Arabica varieties.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Primo Mattino Dolce Gusto® now
My Carraro
Globo Rosso Blend
Full Body, Thick Rich Cream. Blend of three Arabica and three Robusta qualities selected batch by batch.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Globo Rosso Blend now
My Carraro
Puro Arabica Nespresso®
Full & Sweet Flavour, Aroma of Jasmine & Rose Petals. Low Caffeine. 100% Arabica blend of eight highly select varieties of Arabica coffee.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Puro Arabica Nespresso® now
My Carraro
Single Origin Kenya Dolce Gusto®
Fruity, Rich & Pervasive Aroma. Cultivated on slopes of mountains at 2000 metres above sea level. Harvested by hand in several successive passes before undergoing wet processing.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Kenya Dolce Gusto® now
My Carraro
Globo Elite Blend
Pleasantly Soft, Fine Taste. Blend of three Arabica and three Robusta qualities , all of them natural, washed and selected batch by batch.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Globo Elite Blend now
My Carraro
Single Origin Colombia Nespresso®
Delicately Sweet Flavour, Low Acidity. Cultivated in the Medellin region. The carefully selected top grade "Supremo" beans' quality are sweeter and commonly defined as "Suave" (Soft).
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Colombia Nespresso® now
My Carraro
Single Origin Brasile Dolce Gusto®
Medium Body, Nutty Flavour & Aroma of Toasted Bread. Grown in the Cerrado region at 800 metres above sea level. Carefully cultivated, harvested and processed; earning itself the title of "Specialty Strictly Soft" coffee.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Brasile Dolce Gusto® now
My Carraro
Globo Verde Blend
Harmonious Taste, Balanced Body. Blend of four Arabica and three Robusta qualities selected batch by batch.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Globo Verde Blend now
My Carraro
Single Origin Ethiopia Nespresso®
Medium Body, Liqueur-like, Floral Notes of Rose & Jasmine, Persistent, Pleasant Aftertaste. Most fragrant coffee in the world, grown in volcanic soil at 1300 to 2000 metres above sea level.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Ethiopia Nespresso® now
My Carraro
Tazza d'Oro Dolce Gusto®
Sweet, Nectarous Flavour. Smooth & Creamy. Floral Aroma. The founder's blend; blend of passion for the quest of the perfect espresso back in 1927.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Tazza d'Oro Dolce Gusto® now
My Carraro
Crema Espresso Nespresso®
Full Body & Creamy. Blend of sweet Central American Arabica beans with the best Brazilian Santos varieties. Enriched with fine Indian and Indonesian Robusta beans.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Crema Espresso Nespresso® now
My Carraro
Single Origin Costa Rica Dolce Gusto®
Medium-bodied & Sweet. Pleasant Touch of Acidity. Grown in the Terrazu region at 1500 metres above sea level. The coffee is wet processed and sorted electronically and manually in succession, creating a clean, sweet and lightly acidic flavour.
My Carraro... Makes my day
Click here to buy Costa Rica Dolce Gusto® now
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November 18, 2017